How can I acquire the core cryptocurrencies on OnePlanet?
Below are the commonly used methods to acquire the core cryptocurrencies on OnePlanet (MATIC/WMATIC/USDC).
1. Transfer through CEX(Centralized Exchange)
This method allows you to acquire the core cryptocurrencies on OnePlanet (MATIC/WMATIC/USDC) by purchasing them on CEX(Centralized Exchange) such as Binance and Coinbase and transferring them directly to your personal wallet that supports the Polygon network.
To avoid any withdrawal losses, please make sure that you are sufficiently acquainted with the withdrawal procedure of the CEX you are using and have double-checked the transfer-related information (address, network, quantity, fee, etc.) before confirming the transaction.
One thing to note here is that the withdrawal network must be set to ‘Polygon network’.
2. Swap within the Polygon network
You can acquire the core cryptocurrencies on OnePlanet by exchanging various tokens via Polygon Token Swap within the Polygon Wallet or via DEX(Decentralized Exchange) such as Matcha, Quickswap, Uniswap, etc.
3. Wrap/unwrap between MATIC <>WMATIC
You can acquire MATIC and WMATIC by wrapping the MATIC and by unwrapping WMATIC, respectively. This wrapping/unwrapping can be processed through DEX(Decentralized Exchange) such as Matcha, Quickswap, Uniswap, etc. Note that WMATIC is merely a wrapped version of MATIC and that 1 WMATIC will always be equivalent to 1 MATIC.
4. Bridge through the Polygon bridge
You can acquire the core cryptocurrencies on OnePlanet by converting tokens on Ethereum into tokens on Polygon through the Polygon Bridge. When your token crosses the bridge, tokens that leave Ethereum network are locked and the same number of tokens are newly minted on Polygon as a pegged token (1:1); You may also move the tokens back to the Ethereum network using the bridge. For more information, please refer to the following page - How to Use the Polygon Bridge?
Even if you have accidentally transferred your assets to Ethereum network, you may transfer them into Polygon network via the Polygon Bridge.
5. Buy with cards (arriving soon)
You can purchase and acquire the core cryptocurrencies on OnePlanet through instant payment methods, such as credit and/or debit cards, via third-party onramp services. A list of onramp service providers on Polygon can be found here.
Note that the use of onramp services may not be applicable/legal in some jurisdictions. Please ensure compliance with the laws of any relevant jurisdiction of your residence.
Last updated