Why did my transaction fail?

In case of failed transactions, the below pop-up window will appear. You may find the cause of failure in the transaction details page on polygonscan.

Below are the possible scenarios in which your transaction might fail:

Out of Gas

A transaction may fail with status marked as “Out of gas”, when the gas limit set during the transaction is below the required gas needed to perform the transaction.


A transaction may fail with status marked as “Reverted”, when the transaction did not get executed as the status of an NFT has changed during the course of the transaction process.

  • Buy now at fixed-price (Buyer’s case)

    • Listing has been canceled before a transaction is completed

    • Preceding transaction from another user has been completed

    • Change of ownership has occurred via transfer

  • Accept offer (Seller’s case)

    • Offer has been canceled prior to a transaction

    • Change of ownership has occurred via transfer

Last updated